Posted on 7/29/2021
It is perfectly fine to use your car as storage - we all do it! But, there are certain everyday items that you should avoid leaving in your car. With temperatures hiking up, there are several things to be mindful of leaving behind that do not respond well to heat. If you aren't careful, you could compromise your belongings and your car. Here are a list of things you should never leave inside your car on a hot summer day: Pets - Leaving a pet alone in a parked car while you run errands can endanger your animal's health. According to PETA, animals can have brain damage from heat exposure or even die from heatstroke in as little as 15 minutes. Plastic Bottles - Your plastic bottles can be at risk of warping and melting in a hot car. Next time you notice an abandoned bottle in your car, it's best to throw it in the recycling bin. Aerosol Cans - Whether spray paint, deodorant, hairspray, or cleaning products, these items are packaged in a way that makes it very sensitive to h ... read more