Posted on 2/25/2022
At South Park Tire & Auto Center, we are always looking out for your safety, which is why we advocate for defensive driving. By carrying out safe driving practices on the road, you can save yourself from car troubles and dangerous accidents. Here are five essential defensive driving tips for incorporating in your commute: Keep a safe distance between you and other cars. Way too many collisions happen this way. Keeping 3-seconds worth of space between you and the vehicle in front can increase your reaction time and mitigate your risk of hitting your back bumper. Put your cell phone away. There are strict cell phone traffic laws in the US for a reason: it is super distracting and dangerous. Calling and texting require taking at least one hand off the wheels and your attention off the road. You should put your phone on silent before driving to avoid the temptation. Don't drive when you're tired. Driving while asleep can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence, s ... read more